Plans & Pricing


$150 Per hour with a two-hour minimum

Selfie Station

Party Props
Friendly Attendant
Social Media Sharing
Email and Text Messaging
Premium Lighting w/Umbrella

Gallery of your Event Photos



$200 Per hour with a two-hour minimum

Selfie Station

Party Props
Friendly Attendant
Social Media Sharing
Email and Text Messaging
4¨x 6¨ prints or photo strips of 3 or 4 shots,
one per person in photo
Premium Lighting w/Umbrella

Customizable Background Using Green Screen
Gallery of your Event Photos

Customized Photo Frame


360 Booth

$250 Per hour with a two-hour minimum

360 Booth

Party Props
Friendly Attendant
Social Media Sharing
20-second Video downloaded to your phone
All videos stored in the cloud, accessible by permission
Colored Lighting Options